Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Not So Perfect Mom By Stephanie Shott

I always dreamed of being the perfect mom. The one who has all the right answers, never raises her voice and never has to count to three.

When I observed another mother applying some super cool new mommy approach, I would try it too. When her children were obedient, well mannered and sat quietly in church with what appeared to be halos on their heads, I would try to find out the secret to her success. 
"God did not design
cookie-cutter children,
nor did he expect us to be
cookie-cutter mothers"

After a little soul searching and Scripture digging, I realized Proverbs 22:6 beckons us to be very individual in the way we raise our children. Being a good mom meant I was to “Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Amplified).
How refreshing to know God did not design cookie-cutter children, nor did he expect us to be cookie-cutter mothers. I didn’t have to be perfect; I didn’t have to be like the other mothers. I just had to be the best mom I could be for each of my sons.

My boys are men now. And although I never attained the coveted title of Perfect Mom, and my children never sported a halo, they always knew I was their biggest cheerleader, their constant counselor and their most passionate prayer warrior. They still do, and I still am.

Dear God, thank you for making me and my children unique individuals. Help me to mother from who I am in ways that bless my children for who they are, and guide them on the path to knowing you always.

Stephanie Shott
is an international speaker, author of the new Bible study on Ecclesiastes, Understanding What Matters Most and part of a gifted team of communicators led by Kathi Lipp known as Speaker Chicks. www.stephanieshott.com

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