Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mom Email - Hindsight

by Christa Hogan, mom of two

Last month, my 2-year-old fell and broke his femur. After examining Ben, the Emergency Room doctor said he needed a spica cast. He described the fiberglass contraption that would encase my son from the ribcage down for the next four weeks. “You’re kidding!” I wanted to say. “He doesn’t stop for a second. Now he’s stuck in a body cast for a month? And I change his diapers and bathe him how exactly?”
But as time went by, Ben became my example of adaptability. As his leg healed, he learned how to roll over. Next he was crawling commando style. One day, he pulled himself to a standing position. Finally, he took my hands in his own and began to ‘walk’ in the cast. Meanwhile, I learned how to pick him up and carry him, diaper and bathe him. With the help of a neighbor, we ventured out of the house for the first time. After a few weeks the cast seemed like a natural part of our lives.

Before we knew it, the day arrived to take the cast off. Now Ben is learning to walk for the third time. Watching him literally take two steps forward and one step back in his development has been a reminder for me to stay present in the moment and take nothing for granted. Even though I had no idea how we’d get through daily life with the cast on, here we stand on the other side. I feel stronger and more capable because of the experience. And I find comfort in knowing God was with us every step of the way.

Dear God, thank you for not only bringing me through challenging times, but also walking alongside me the whole time.

"I find comfort in knowing God was with us every step of the way."

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